Motivated, passionate, energetic, adventurous.
Where you want go, what you wanna do.
- LoveVsFear Fear is focused on your past+future, focus on now and be in love.
- Appreciate We are all dying, but you are pretty fucking lucky. Be grateful for every experience.
- Emotional Independence You are the only one who controls how you feel.
- Reflect Look in the mirror, and ask who am I becoming. Not who am I.
- One Up Til the Sun Up You only live once.
- tWerk it Don’t forget your body, baby.
- Positive Energy Madness Spread your energy wisely, walk away negativity.
- FreakFlagFly Sexual Revoultion, push boundaries of comfort.
- Elevate Tap into the subconscious. guide you, free your mind see where it lead you.
- NoRuts Don’t get stuck, when it isn’t working move on.
- Uranium Energy from stars, that have landed on Earth. Find those friends and keep them.
- ChaosMagicNeverEnding Start the conversation, man vs nature.
- Let Go Over analysing never got you anywhere, when you get stuck focus on now.
- Feel Everything Let energy and emotions flow through you and realise how they can change over time.
- SelfWorth Validate yourself before you let someone else.
- Intuition Listen to your body, your gut is on it.
- Disconnect Focus on using time alone wisely.
- Meditate Let go, be in control of your needs, your body.
- Distance Alone time is healthy for you, make sure to take that space.
- Attract Your power comes from you, own that vibration.
- Traum Manifest your desires that stick around. Highlight reoccurring thoughts.
- To the Moon Expand your thinking and how you spread your love, think outside your bubble.
- Youth Be a mentor, help somebody else besides yourself.
- Telepathy Explore connections of the mind, don’t loose merging feelings.
- Irresistible Own your sexuality—flirt, give eyes, show interest.
- Rituals Create your healthy habits now, don’t do it too late.
- ExpressYourself Allow yourself to be vulnerable, don’t hide out of fear.
- Transcend Know you can change your personality, be stronger, activated. Go beyond your own expectations of yourself.
- Amaze Love yourself, share that energy with the right people and see it grow.
- Change Your Mind Just as your emotions can grow and evolve so can your perception.
- Empathy Life is a struggle, everyone is trying as hard as they can.
- Open/Expand Find situations where you can be vulnerable, people that push your own way of thinking.
- Löve Don’t be fucking scared of it, learn how to embrace it.